Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pregnancy is not a disease

No doubt, this is one of the best lines ever said:  "The church does not consider birth control a right of health care, much less a good for human flourishing, because pregnancy is not a disease." 

The article is attached.

Implications of Health Care Reform

Yet, some of our lost brothers and sister go out of their way to treat child bearing as a burden, a punishment, so much so that they kill an innocent life. 

As we recall the humiility and unselfishness of St. Rose of Lima, let us pray for our brothers and sisters to be enlightened and converted to Christ. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

New England’s European-Style Birth Dearth

How deep must be the hopelessness these people have that they accumulate treasures on this earth and reject the joy of love that comes from procreation?

Pray for these lost souls!

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us
St. Anthony of Padua, pray for us
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.


Bishop allows SSPX Mass in France

Ultimately, the goal of ecumenism is to unite all Christians with Peter, in His One Holy Catholic Church.  This should not be achieved at the cost of diluting Catholic teaching or ignoring any council of Holy Mother Church, including Vatican II.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Accept my merciful love


One cannot speak convincingly of my Divine Mercy without having first experienced it. 

From In Sinu Iesu, The Journal of a Priest

The 11th Sunday after Pentecost

In today's Holy Mass, we hear in the epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians, a statement that demands attention:  "But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not found vain."  (I Corinthians 15:10) 

St. Paul, by his own admission, believes he does not deserve the title of apostle because of his zealous persecution of the followers of Christ before his conversion.   But yet, by God's grace, he is who he is. 

Often times, I wonder since I am such a great sinner, how is it that I can be called a Christian a follower of Christ.  Yet nothing is impossible to God.   

Our Lord calls us all to conversion, regardless of what we have done in the past.  Our Lord washes us clean in the sacrament of Penance and nourishes us with His own Flesh, all the while sanctifying us with the Holy Spirit in the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.  He wants us to surrender our lives to Him so that we may live in true freedom and joy.  Our sins, cleansed by His Most Precious Blood, are no more an impediment to establishing intimacy with our Heavenly Father. 

The grace of God, which fills our souls, can change our lives so profoundly that the words of today's gospel come th life:  "He hath done all things well..."  (St. Mark 7:37) 

Let us all seek that conversion to God so that we, like the deaf man in today's gospel, be filled with His grace to live a life on this earth that astonishes and prompts many to seek a true conversion to Christ.